The Concentration and Output of Carotenoid Pigments, Vitamin A, and Riboflavin in the Colostrum and Milk of Dairy Cows

The potency and output of carotene, vitamin A, and riboflavin in the colostrum and milk of 35 pasture-fed cows representing 5 dairy cattle breeds were detd. for the first 10 milkings and the 20th milking. Cows of all ages were included. The data obtained show a rapid decline in the conc, of these constituents with successive milkings. A level closely approaching that of normal milk is reached by the end of the 3d day following parturition (6th milking). These data show first milking colostrum to be approx. 10 times as potent in carotene, 6 times as potent in vitamin A, and 3.3 times as potent in riboflavin as normal milk obtained at the 20th milking. The practical importance of using all the colostrum produced in the raising of calves is pointed out.