The interface between ZnO/Si and ZnO/SiO2 was studied by etching through the junction region and analyzing XPS and Auger LMM spectra. By comparing XPS shifts and peak splitting in the Si2p spectra, chemical complexes of the form Si—Ox—Zn (x≃1) were identified at the ZnO/Si interface. The transition from ZnO/SiO2 was characterized by intensity variations in the O1s spectra. Relative to metallic zinc the Auger LMM shifts were −4 eV for ZnO on Si and −3 eV for ZnO on SiO2. Such shifts were attributed mainly to extra‐atomic relaxation. Correspondence of levels (zero Auger shifts) was observed in the spectra from the two interface regions suggesting that zinc extra‐atomic relaxation was constant throughout a region of varying chemical composition.