Fibronectin, Laminin, Type I, III and IV Collagens in Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital Muscular Dystrophies and Congenital Myopathies: An Immunocytochemical Study

The distribution pattern of fibronectin, laminin, type I, III and IV collagens in human skeletal muscle was studied by immunofluorescence. In normal muscle, as well as in congenital myopathies (CM), type I and III collagens were localized in the endomysium and the perimysium. Laminin and type IV collagen delineated precisely each muscle fiber but did not stain the perimysium. In Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) as well as in congenital muscular dystrophies (CMD) the extensive proliferation of connective tissue consisted mainly of fibronectin and type I and III collagens. Laminin and type IV collagen delineated principally the basal lamina but suprisingly were found to be distributed to some extent all over the extracellular matrix. No disease-specific accumulation of components of the extracellular matrix was found which would enable us to differentiate these last two diseases, though the immunofluorescence reactions for all components were stronger in DMD than in CMD.