The influence of muscle work on metabolism in varying conditions of diet

The experiments were carried out on a single subject in excellent physical condition and experienced in the experimental conditions. It is concluded that muscle work brings about a definite, small rise in the N output and a parallel rise in the S output. Muscle activity produces a slight but uniform rise in the NH3 output, little alteration in the excretion of uric acid, and a consistent increase in the creatinine output. The outputs of chloride and P were also followed but the results were too irregular to permit of any interpretation. There was a definitely significant (by statistical methods) difference between the O2 demand during work on meatless diets and on those containing meat. The O2 intake per min. was lower on meat diets. The O2 consumption per kgm. m. of external work differed little on an ordinary mixed diet or an exclusively fat diet, but there was, perhaps, some evidence that an exclusively carbohydrate diet slightly lowered the O. demand.

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