The Luminosity Curve of the Protanomalous Fovea

Threshold spectral sensitivities (in the dark, or against bright colored backgrounds) are identical in the red-green range for both protanopes (dichromats) and protanomalous trichromatic color defectives. The latter, however, must have an additional photolabile cone pigment in the red-green range, and its presence is revealed by heterochromatic brightness matching through the spectrum (i.e. luminosity curves). The absorption spectrum of the anomalous cone pigment can be inferred from the protanomalous and protanopic luminosity curve, given reasonable assumptions as to how the different cone mechanisms pool their responses. Depending upon these assumptions, the pigment inferred is either (a) dilute solution of the normal red pigment (assumed density 1.0 for the deuteranope) or (b) similar in its absorption spectrum to the normal green pigment but shifted slightly toward the long wave end of the spectrum. Experimental attempts to choose between these alternatives have so far proved equivocal though (b) seems more likely on the basis of indirect evidence.