Radiation chemistry of aqueous solutions containing carbon monoxide and oxygen between pH 0.4 and 12

G(H2), G(CO2), G(H2O2), G(—O2) and G(—CO) have been measured for X-irradiated aqueous solutions containing CO and O2 in the pH range 0.4–12. A reaction mechanism is used as a basis for calculation of primary yields. Whereas G H2 = 0.48±0.05 and G H2O2 = 0.74±0.09 are substantially independent of pH, G –H2O , GOH and (G e aq +GH) each diminish by about 0.9 unit as the pH is increased from 1.4 to 2.2, thereafter remaining constant at 3.7±0.2, 2.14±0.04 and 2.8±0.15 respectively.

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