Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Phytopathological Society Banff, Alberta June 1991
- 1 September 1991
- journal article
- abstracts
- Published by Taylor & Francis in Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
- Vol. 13 (3) , 271-288
- https://doi.org/10.1080/07060669109500941
Pectinase Genes and Isozymes of Leptosphaeria Maculans Isolates from Canada. S.L. Annis and P.H. Goodwin. Department of Environmental Biology University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Screening for Common Root Rot Resistance in Barley Using Toxins Produced by Cochliobolns Sativus. K.L Bailey. Research Station, Agriculture Canada, 107 Science Crescent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X2. Linkage Analysis of Ophiostoma Ulmi, the Causal Agent of Dutch Elm Disease. L. Bernier and K. Devvar. Centre de Recherche En Biologic Forestière, Faculté De Foresterie Et De Géo Matique. Université Laval, Ste-Eoy, Québec GIK 7P4. Studies on Correlation between Blackleg and Softrot Development in Potatoes. V.S. Bisht, P.S. Bains, and J.R Letal. Alberta Tree Nursery anil Horticulture Centre, R.R 6 Edmonton, Alberta T5B 4K3. Genetic Diversity within Sclerotium (Athelia) Rolfsii Based on RFLP Analyses of Field Isolates and Singlebasidiospore Strains. J.D.G. Boom, M. Hernandez. C, Harlton. C.A. Lévesque. and Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Eraser University. Burnahy. British Columbia V5A 1S0. Phytoalexin Elicitation in Barley Roots Infected with Bipolaris Sorokiniana. S.M. Boyetchko and J.P. Tewari. Department of Plant Scieuce. University of Alberta. Edmonton. Alberta J0G 2P5. The effect of dinitroaniline seed treatments on the induction of fusariuin wilt resistance in tomato. R.A. Brammall. R. Cohen, and G. Lazarovits. Horticulture Research Institute of Ontario Horticultural Experiment Station. Box 587, Simcoe. Ontario NJY 4NS. (R.C.) Newc Ya'ar Experiment Station. Post Haifa JI-V99, Israel. (CE.) Agriculture Canada. Eoudon Research Centre, 1400 Western Road. London. Ontario N0G 2V4. HPLC purification of destruxins from Alternaria hrassicae and examination of their role in pathogenesis. L. Buchwaldt, J.S. Jensen, and H. Green. Department of Plant Science. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 2N2. Mycoflora of lenticels in peach bark. J.W. Buck and J.A Traquair. Department of Plant Sciences. University of Western Ontario, London. Ontario NoA 587 (J.A.T.) Research Station. Agriculture Canada, Harrow. Ontario NOR 1G0. Distribution of Verticillium albo-atrum on root systems of resistant and susceptible alfalfa plants. J.T. Calpas and J.E. Rahe. Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Eraser University. Bumaby. British Columbia V5A 1S0. Evidence for a nucleic acid component in fimbriae of the smut fungus, Ustilago violacea. VI. Celerin. AW. Day. J.B. Bancroft, R. Smith, and R. Johnston. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario N6A 5B7. Susceptibility of parsley cultivars to septoria blight. R.F Cerkauskas. Research Station. Agriculture Canada, Box 6000 Vineland, Ontario L0R 2E0. Etiology and the occurrence of root rot disease complex of alstroemeria. K.F. Chang, M. Mirza, and S.-F. Hwang. Alberta Tree Nursery and Horticulture Centre. Edmonton, Alberta T5B 4K.f (S.-F.H) Alberta Environmental Centre, Vegreville, Alberta T0B 4L0. The comparative pathogenicity and biological control of Pythiium spp. in tomato and cucumber. K.F. Chang, M. Younus. and M. Mirza. Alberta Tree Nursery and Horticulture Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T5B 4K3. Distribution, inoculum density and survival of Thielaviopsis basicola in organic soil. S. Chittaranjan and Z.K Punja. Department oj Biological Sciences, Simon Eraser University, Burnaby. British Columbia V5A 1S6. Camelina sativa phytoalexins (camalexin and methoxycamalexin) provide resistance against Alternaria brassicae. K.L. Conn. O.A. Jejelowo. J.P. Tewari. and P.S. Bains. Department of Plain Science. University of Alberta. Edmonton. Albena T6G 2P5: (P S.B.) Alberta Tree Nursery and Honh nltural Center, R.R. ttb. Edmonton, Alberta T5B 4K3. Sporulation of Didymella festucae in vitro. J.G.N. Davidson and H.W. Klein-Gebbinck. Research Station. Agriculture Canada. Beaverlod^e, Alberta T0H 0C0. Amplification of 16S ribosomal RNA genes from cultivable and nonculturable Mollicutes. S. Deng and C. Hiruki. Department of Plant Science. University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta T6C 2P5. Development of nonradioactive biotinylated DNA probes and riboprobes for the detection of MLOs associated with clover proliferation and potato witches'-broom. S. Deng and C. Hiruki. Department of Plant Science. University of Alberta. Edmonton. Alberta T6G 2P5. Pathogenicity and glyphosate synergistic interaction of eight Pythium species on beans. R.C. Descalzo. J.E. Rahe. and Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Eraser University. Burnaby. British Columbia V56 1S6. Molecular hybridization analysis of Ophiostoma ulmi mating type alleles. K. Dewar and L. Bernier. Centre de recherche en biologie forestière. Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique ue, Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec G1K 7P4. The effect of salinity on common root rot of cereals. L.J. Duczek and L.L. Jones-Flory. Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X2. Bacteria from soils of the boreal mixed wood forest and their effect on the growth of Armillaria. M.T. Dumas. Forestiy Canada. Ontario Region Créai Lakes Forestry Centre. P.O Box 490. Saul! Ste. Marie. Ontrio F6A 5M7. The status of chestnut blight in southern Ontario. M.M. Dunn. G.I. Boland, C.D. McKeen, and J.D. Ambrose. Department oj Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1C 2W1. Occurrence of beet western yellows virus in canola and mustard. P. Ellis and R. Stace-Smith. Research Station Agriculture Canada, 6660 N.W Marine Drive. Vancouver. British Columbia V6T 1X2. Manganese deficiency in cereals. I.R. Evans and D. Penney. Alberta Agriculture. Crop Protection and Soils Branches, J.G. O'Donoghue Building, 7000-113 Street, Edmonton. Alberta T611 5T6. Circles, lines, and patterns in standing wheat crops in Alberta associated with copper deficiency. I.R. Evans. E, Solberg, and D Penney. Alberto Agriculture, Crop Protection and Soils Branches. J.G. O'Donoghue Building. 7000-113 Street Edmonton. Alberta T611 5T6. Biocontrol of fungal pathogens colonizing wheat, black oat, and soybean residues. M.R. Fernandez. Research Station. Agriculture Canada. P. O. Box I0SO. Swift Current. Saskatchewan S9H 3X2. Selection pressure of barley genotypes on a stem rust population. S. Fox and D. Harder. Plain Science Department. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 2N2, (D. H.) Reseanh Station, Agriculture Canada, 195 Dafoe Rcf. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9. Beneficial effects of bacterization with a Pseudomonas sp. on the survival, development, and yield of potato plants. M.I. Frommel, J. Nowak, and G. Lazarovits. Research Centre. Agriculture Caiiada. 1400 Western Rd., London, Ontario Nod 2V4 (I.N.) Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Plant Science Department, Truro. Nova Scotia B2N 5E3. Inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by volatile compounds produced by some PGPR strains. S. Gagné, D. Le Qucré, S. Aliphat, R. Lemay, and N. Fournier. Premier Research Center, Premier Peal Moss Lid.. P.O. Box 2600. Rivière-du- Loup. Quèbec G5R 4CV A comparative study on the nucleotide sequence of sweet clover necrotic mosaic virus RNA-2. Z Ge and C. Hiruki. Department of Plant Science University of Alhcrta, Edmonton, Alberta TOG 2P5. Seedling and adult plant reactions of wheat to Septoria nodorum. J. Gilbert and A. Tekauz. Research Station, Agriculture Canada, 195 Dafoe Road. Winnipeg. Manitoba RJT 2M9. Employing the polymerase chain reaction to identify genetic variation within and between pathotypes of Leptosphaeria maculans. P.H. Goodwin and S.L. Annis. Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Relationship of inoculum concentration of Plasmopara halstedii to disease incidence in sunflower. T.J. Gulya. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Northern Crap Science Laboratory, Box 5677. Fargo, North Dakota 58105. Diagnosis of flame chlorosis by detection of disease specific dsRNA with nonradiolabelled RNA probes. S. Haber, S.E. Cvitkovitch, and D.A. Wakarchuk. Research Station, Agriculture Canada. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 2M9. (D.A.W.) Pherotech. 7572 Progress Way. Delia. British Columbia V4G IE9. Colonization of solid surfaces by Aureobasidium pullulans. R.F. Harris, R.N. Spear, G.W. Lau. and J.H. Andrews. Departments of Soil Silence and Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin. Madison. Wisconsin 53706. Sclerotial viability of dicarboximide and benzimidazole resistant Botrytis species. T. Hsiang and G.A. Chastagner. Puvallup Research Center, Washington Slate University. Pitxallnp, Washington 98371. Identification of Verticilium pathogens using PCR probes. X. Hu, R.Mukhamedov. R. Nazar. and J. Robb Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Influence of rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the induction of phytoalexins in cotyledons of white bean. R.K. Hynes, J. Hill, M.S. Reddy. and G. Lazarovits. Esso Chemical Canada. Agricultural Biologicals. 15-402 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon. Saskatchewan S7N 2X8. (J.H and G.I.) Research Centre. Agriculture Canada. 1400 Western Rd. London. Ontario N6G 2V4. A recessive resistance gene of alfalfa to alfalfa mosaic virus and impact of high ambient temperature on virus resistance. H. Iwai. Y. Horikawa. G. Figueiredo, and C. Hiruki. Department of Plant Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P5. Effect of sexual recombination and virulence heterozygosity in two populations of Puccinia recondita. J.A. Kolmer. Research Station, Agriculture Canada, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9. Generating species specific rDNA probes for Pythium ultimum using PCR. C.A. Lévesque. T.C. Vrain and S.H. De Boer. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University. Buruaby, British Columbia V5A IS6: (T.C.V and S.H. DeB) Research Station. Agriculture Canada. Vancouver. British Columbia V6T 1X2. Influence of glyphosate on mycelial growth, sporangial germination, and infection of bean by Pythium ultimum. L. Liu, J.E. Rahe. and Z.K.Punja. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University, Buruaby, British Columbia V5A IS6. Virulence genotypes of Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei in southern Ontario from 1986 to 1989. J.H. Loutcr and D.E. Falk. Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph, Guelph. Ontario N1G, 2W1. Chromosomal location of a gene for resistance to Septoria nodorum blotch of wheat. H. Ma. L.S.W. Wong, G.R. Hughes, and C.A. Kuwite. Department of Crop Science and Plant Ecology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan S7N 0W0: (L.S.S.W. Research Station. Agriculture Canada. 195 Dafoe Road. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9. Foliar nutrient concentrations of Armillaria-infected lodgepole pine. D.G Maynard and K.I. Mailed. Forestry Canada, Northern Forestry Centre, 5320 122 St. Edmonton, Alberta T611 3S5. The generation and utilization of phenotypic mutants in Hie tan spot fungus (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis). B.D. McCallum and C.C. Bernier. Department of Plant Science. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2. Association of Pythium species with the disease, cavity spot of carrots. M.R. McDonald. O.M.A.F. Mink Research Station, R.R.#1, Kettleby, Ontario LOG 1J0. The effect of stubble-borne inoculum of leaf spotting pathogens on disease development and yield loss in winter wheat. W. McFadden. Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario, Vineland, Ontario F0R 2E0. Hypovirulence, a bio-control agent of chestnut blight. C.D. McKeen, J.D. Ambrose, M.M. Dunn, and G.J. Boland. Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Foliar application of soluble silicon to control powdery mildew on cucurbits. J.G. Menzies, P. Bowen, D.L. Ehret, A.D.M. Glass, and A.L. Samuels. Research Station, Agriculturc Canada, Agassiz, British Columbia VOM 1A0; (A.D.M.G and A.L.S.) Department of Botany, University of British Colnmhia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 2B1. Infection of Populus seedlings with ascospores of Hypoxylon maminatum: the role of toxins. M.J. Mottet, M. Dessureault, and R. Bélanger. Ministère des Forêts, Direction de la recherche. Complexe scientifique du Québec, 2700 Einstein, Sainte-Foy. Québec G1P 3W8, (M.D.) Université Laval, Département des Sciences Forestiéres, Citè Universitaire, Sainte- Foy. Québec GIK 7P4: (R.B.) Université Laval, Département de Phytologie, Cité Universitaire, Sainte-Foy, Québec GIK 7P4. Effect of media and temperature on sporulation and of inoculum density on severity of septoria blight in celery. I.W. Mudita and A.C. Kushalappa. Department of Plain Science, Maedoitald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste-Aime-de-Bellevne. Québec 119X 1C0. Detection of double-stranded RNA in Verticillium tricorpus. R. Mukhamedov. X. Hu, M. Mould, and J. Robb. Institute of Bio-Organic Chemistry. Tashkent, U.S.S.R.. (X.H.. M.M. and J.R.) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Effect of rotation with oats and barley on crown rot of wheat (Fusarium graminearum Group 1) in Australia. K.E. Nelson and L.W. Burgess. Fusarium Research Laboratory. Department of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Entomology, University of Sydney, N.S.W. Australia. Histology and cytochemistry of phloem necrosis in Hevea brasiliensis. M. Nicole. H. Chamberland. and G.B. Ouellette. ORSTOM/Forestry Canada. Québec Region, 1055 du PEPS, P.O. Box 3800, Sainte-Foy, Québec G1V 4C7. Ultrastructure of various forms of Ophiostoma ulmi, as observed in material fixed by high pressure freezing. G.B. Ouellette. Laureutian Forestry Centre, Forestry Canada. Quebec Region. 1055 du P.E.P.S., P.O. Box 3S00, Sainte-Foy, Quebec GIV 4C7. Horizontal spread of ascochyta blight of lentil. E.A, Pedersen and R.A.A. Morrall. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon. Saskatchewan S7N 0W0. Genetics of SBI resistance and cross resistance in Pyrenophora teres. T.L. Peever and M.G. Milgroom. Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York I4S50. Evaluation of honey bees for applying Gliocladium roseum to strawberry flowers to control gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea. G. Peng, J.C. Sutton, and P.G. Kevan. Department of Environmental Biology, University of Gitelph Guelph. Ontario N1G 2W1. Double infection with tomato spotted wilt virus and a poty virus on greenhouse-grown alstroemerias in Alberta. Z. Pesic-Van Esbroeck, P.S. Bains, and M.H. Chen. Alberta Tree Nurserv ami Horticulture Centre, R. R #6, Edmonton. Alberta TSB 4K3; (M.H.C.) Medical Dentistry Electron Microscopy Unit. Medical Surgical Research Institute. University of Alberta, Edmonton. Alberta T6H 2N8. Sources of resistance and susceptibility to common bunt in western Canadian spring wheats. B.J. Puchalski and D.A. Gaudet. Research Station. Agriculture Canada, Lethhridge, Alberta T1J 4B1. Influence of culture conditions on mycelial growth and phialospore production and germination in Chalara elegans. Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Eraser University, Bnrnahy, British Columbia V5A 1S6. Incidence, pathogenicity, and pathogen-host interactions of Pythium spp. causing cavity spot on carrots in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Z.K. Punja and D. Benard. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University, Burnahy. British Columbia V5A 1S6. Role of rhizobacteria in greenhouse mix for the suppression of damping-off of cucumber seedlings caused by Pythium ultimum. M.S. Redcly. S.E. Campbell, S.E. Young, ami G.L. Brown. Esso Chemical Canada. 402-15 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon. Saskatchewan S7N 2X8. Comparison of final disease severity, area under the disease severity progress curve, and final disease incidence to rank genotypes of canota for resistance to blackleg. C.B. Rempel and R. Hall. Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1. Evidence for a nonspecific elicitor of bean plant defenses located in the cell walls of rust fungi. D.E. Ryerson and M.C. Heath. Department of Botany. University of Toronto. 25 Wilhocks St., Toronto, Ontario M5S JB2. Effect of the 1988 drought on common root rot disease reactions. B. Salas and R.W. Stack. Department of Plant Pathology. North Dakota State University. Fargo, North Dakota 58105. The influence of silicon on the ultrastructure of haustoria of Sphaerotheca fuliginea in long English cucumber. A.L. Samuels. A.D.M. Glass, D.L. Ehret, and J.G. Menzies. Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. British Columbia VOT 1B4: (D.I.F. andd J.G.M.) Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Agassiz. British Columbia V0M 1A0. Isozyme analysis of Chondrostereum purpureum used as a mycoherbicide. S.F. Shamoun, A.K.M. Ekramoddoullah. and R.E. Wall. Pacific Forestry Centre Forestry Canada. 50h West Burnside Road. Victoria. British Columbia VSZ 1M5. Genetic variability among isolates of Chondrostereum purpureum. S.F. Shamoun. T.C. Vrain, and R.E Wall. Pacific Forestry Centre, Forestry Camnla, 50h West Biwnside Road Victoria, B.C VSZ IMS, (T.C V) Research Station. Agriculture Canada, 6660 N.W Marine Drive. Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1X2. Towards cloning of an avirulence gene from oat stem rust. J. Sock. R. Rohringer. and J.A. Kolmer. Research Station. Agriculture Canada, IVS Du foe Road. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 2M1. Electrophoresis of Cytospora isolates from different hosts. I. Sorensen and J.A. Traquair. Department of Plant Stience.s. (J/iiversity of Western Ontario. London. Ontario N6A 5B7; (J.A.T. Research Station, Agriculture Canada. Harrow. Ontario N0R 1G0. Inheritance of head blight resistance in a spring wheat cross. R.W. Stack and R.C. Frohberg. Departments of Plant Pathology and Crop and Weed Science. North Dakota State University. Fargo, North Dakota 58105. Potential of three Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis groups to cause black scurf of potato. R.W. Stack. B. Salas, and N.C. Gudmestad. Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, Fargo. North Dakota 58105. Transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus by the western flower thrips to weeds and native plants found in southern Ontario. L.W. Stobbs. A.B. Broadbent. W.R. Allen, and A.L. Sterling. Research Station. Agriculture Canada Box 6000. Vineland Station. Ontario L0R 2E0. Assessment of adult plant resistance to Pyrenophora teres in barley. A. Tekauz and E. Mueller. Research Station, Agriculture Canada. 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9. Can a petal test kit be used by growers for estimating the risk of sclerotinia stem rot in canola? J.R. Thomson. R.A.A. Morrall. and D.A. Kaminski. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W0. (D.A.K.) Alberta Special Crop and Horticultural Resean h Centre, Brooks, Alberta T0J 0J0. Growth and biological control activity of Tilletiopsis spp. against powdery mildew of cucumber. E.J. Urquhart and Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University. Burnaby. British Columbia V5A 1S6. Biological control of showy milkweed with a fungal pathogen. R. Vanna. Plain Sciences Division, Alberta Environmental Centre. Vegreville, Alberta T0B 4L0. Analysis of physiological and genetic variability in Fusarium with particular regard to the crown rot pathogen of tomato. Q. Wang, C.A. Lévesque. J.E. Rahe, and Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6. The Armillaria species complex in Newfoundland. G.R. Warren. Forestry Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, P.O. Box b02S, St John s. Newfoundland A1C 5X8. The application of biotin-labelled molecular probes for the detection of potato spindle tuber viroid. M. Welmcki and C. Hiruki. Department oj Plant Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Alberta T6C 2P5. Genotype × Fusarium spp. interactions associated with fusarium head blight in wheat. L.S.L. Wong, D. Abramson. A. Tekauz, D. Leisle, and R.I.H. McKenzie. Research Station, Agriculture Canada 195 Dafoe Road. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9. Differentiation and affinities of the plant parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne, by DNA amplification and sequencing. B.C. Xue and J.M. Webster. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University. Bunuihy. British Columbia V5A 1S6. The b mating-type locus of Ustilago maydis: Analysis of gene product and construction of recombinant alleles. A.R. Yee. L, Caisson, and J.W. Kronstad. Biotechnology Laboratory. Plant Science Department. Université, of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5. Further studies on wheat spot mosaic disease and the associated double membrane bodies. K.S. Zaychuk and C Hiruki. Department of Plant Science, University of Alberta Edmonton. Alberta L6G 2P5. Induction and characterization of chitinases produced in cucumber and carrot tissues. Y.-Y. Zhang and Z.K. Punja. Department of Biological Sciences. Simon Fraser University, Burnabv, British Columbia V5A LS6.Keywords
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