Effect of Phenobarbital on the Development of Liver Tumors in Juvenile and Adult Mice234

The effect of long-term exposure to phenobarbital (CAS: 50-06-6) subsequent to tumor initiation on the development of liver tumors in BALB/c and (C57BL/6 × C3H/Anf)F1 (B6C3F1) mice was determined. In male B6C3F1 mice that received either 15 or 45 ppm diethylnitrosamine [(DENA) CAS: 55-18-5] between 6 and 10 weeks of age, subsequent treatment with 500 ppm sodium phenobarbital in the drinking water resulted in the promotion of liver tumors. However, in male B6C3F1 mice initiated on day 15 of age with 25 mg DENA/kg, beginning long-term treatment of 500 ppm sodium phenobarbital at 4 weeks of age inhibited the development of liver tumors, whereas in male BALB/c mice initiated with 25 mg DENA/kg on day 15 of age, beginning the long-term treatment with 500 ppm sodium phenobarbital at 4 weeks of age promoted the development of liver tumors. Hence phenobarbital can either enhance or inhibit the formation of liver tumors, depending both on the mouse strain used and the animal's age at the start of exposure.