Intercaval Block in Normal Canine Hearts

Background —The intriguing monotony in the occurrence of intercaval conduction block during typical atrial flutter suggests an anatomic or electrophysiological predisposition for conduction abnormalities. Methods and Results —To determine the location of and potential electrophysiological basis for conduction block in the terminal crest region, a high-density patch electrode (10×10 bipoles) was placed on the terminal crest and on the adjacent pectinate muscle region in 10 healthy foxhounds. With a multiplexer mapping system, local activation patterns were reconstructed during constant pacing (S 1 S 1 =200 ms) and introduction of up to 2 extrastimuli (S 2 , S 3 ). Furthermore, effective refractory periods were determined across the patch. If evident through online analysis, the epicardial location of conduction block was marked for postmortem verification of its endocardial projection. Marked directional differences in activation were found in the terminal crest region, with fast conduction parallel to and slow conduction perpendicular to the intercaval axis (1.1±0.4 versus 0.5±0.2 m/s, P 30 ms. During S 3 stimulation, conduction block parallel to the terminal crest was inducible in 40% of the dogs compared with 0% in the pectinate muscle region. Conclusions —Even in normal hearts, inducible intercaval block is a relatively common finding. Anisotropic conduction properties would not explain conduction block parallel to the intercaval axis in the terminal crest region, and obviously, refractory gradients do not seem to play a role either. Thus, the change in fiber direction associated with the terminal crest/pectinate muscle junction might form the anatomic/electrophysiological basis for intercaval conduction block.