The Temporal Dynamics of Electroencephalographic Responses to Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback Training in Healthy Subjects

Background. It has been shown recently that accurate feedback of alpha and theta electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, as employed in the commonly used “alpha/theta protocol,” induced linear increments in within-session theta-over-alpha ratios in comparison to non-contingent feedback in a healthy sample. These data verify that alpha/theta feedback can facilitate within-session operant control over the EEG signature targeted by the training protocol. However, it is neither known whether any between-session theta/alpha ratio changes do reliably occur, nor what kind of temporal dynamics between the alpha and theta band amplitudes characterise within-session and/or between-session theta/alpha ratio changes. Method. In order to address these issues, analyses of an extensive data set (n = 48) of alpha/theta training in healthy volunteers were carried out. Specifically, alpha, theta, and theta/alpha ratio EEG dynamics were contrasted between groups of subjects that engaged in 10 sessions of training a...