Myasthenia gravis is an uncommon condition in childhood. The disease was first described by Willis1in 1672 and was recognized by Erb2as a clinical entity in 1878. The first case of the disease in childhood, described by Remak,3was that of a 12 year old girl. The relative infrequency of the condition in patients under the age of 17 years is illustrated by statistics from the literature. Palmer,4in reviewing the literature in 1908, found 8 such cases in a total of 126. Gerstle5cited 2 cases of the condition in patients under 10 years of age and 12 cases in persons under 20 years of age among 67 cases observed at the National Hospital in London between 1900 and 1927, but apparently these cases have not been reported. Kennedy and Moersch6noted that the onset of symptoms occurred in the second decade