For some choices of soft supersymmetry (SUSY)-breaking parameters, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a stable neutralino χ̃10, the NLSP is a chargino χ̃1± almost degenerate in mass with the LSP (Δmχ̃1mχ̃1±mχ̃10mπfewGeV), and all other sparticles are relatively heavy. In this case, detection of sparticles in the usual, supergravity (MSUGRA)-motivated signals will be difficult, since the decay products in χ̃1±χ̃10 will be very soft, and alternative signals must be considered. Here, we study the viability of signatures at the Fermilab Tevatron based on highly ionizing charged tracks, disappearing charged tracks, large impact parameters, missing transverse energy, and a jet or a photon, and determine the mass reach of such signatures assuming that only the χ̃1± and χ̃10 are light. We also consider the jet+ET and γ+ET signatures assuming that the gluino is also light with mg̃mχ̃1±. We find that the mass reach is critically dependent upon Δmχ̃1 and mg̃mχ̃1±. If Δmχ̃1 is sufficiently big that cτ(χ̃1±)fewcm and mg̃ is large, there is a significant possibility that the limits on mχ̃1± based on CERN LEP2 data cannot be extended at the Fermilab Tevatron. If