A computer simulation of surface microcolony formation during microbial colonization

Several models of microbial surface colonization have been devised to quantitate growth and attachment rates on surfaces. One of these, the surface growth rate equation, is based on the assumption that the number of microcolonies of a given size (Ci) reaches a constant value (Cmax) that is equal to the attachment rate (A) divided by the specific growth rate (Μ). In this study, a computer simulation was used to determine the time required to reach Cmax. It was shown that Ci approaches Cmax asymptotically. The time required is dependent solely upon the growth rate and size of microcolonies. The number of one-celled microcolonies reaches 95% of Cmax after 4.3 generations. At low growth rates, a relatively long incubation period is required. Alternate methods that shorten the incubation time are considered.