The Lower—Middle Cambrian stages and stratotypes from the Iberian Peninsula: a revision

Lower-Middle Cambrian regional stages of the Iberian Peninsula (Cordubian, Ovetian, Marianian, Bilbilian, Acadoparadoxides and Solenopleuropsidae stages) are now reconsidered in the light of new stratigraphic and palaeontological (trace fossils, trilobites and archaeocyaths) studies. These stages are re-described with selected stratotypes and chronostratigraphic boundaries. The names Leonian and Caesaraugustian are formally proposed to replace the provisional stages of Acadoparadoxides and Solenopleuropsidae, respectively. A correlation chart of the Lower-Middle Cambrian lithostratigraphic units from the Iberian Peninsula is also presented. Two regessive-transgressive cycles are proposed to explain the lithological and palaeontological peculiarities through the Lower-Middle Cambrian sequence in the Iberian Peninsula.