A comparative study of the changes of peroxidase patterns during wheat, rye, and triticale kernel maturation

A comparative study on the electrophoretic patterns of embryo plus scutellum, endosperm, and internal and external coats of rye (Secale cereale L. and Secale vavilovii Grossh.), tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L. durum), and hexaploid Triticale during kernel maturation has been carried out. Each kernel part of each species showed a characteristic pattern, and slow pattern changes from the beginning of the study (5 days after pollination) until kernels reached maturity (dry kernels) were observed. The triticale peroxidase patterns were very similar to tetraploid wheat patterns, and only few rye isozymes were clearly observed, probably due to overlapping with wheat isozymes. The possible influence of rye genome on the expression of wheat isozymes in triticale is also discussed.