SYNOPSIS. Light and electron microscope observations on Dunaliella primolecta Butcher from logarithmic and stationary phases of batch cultures are correlated. Except for the lack of a cell wall the fine structure has typical volvocid features. The transition from logarithmic to stationary phase is marked by changes in content and size of cytoplasmic vacuoles, accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid, accumulation of starch in the plastid matrix, and by the formation of autophagosome‐like bodies. The organelles in stationary‐phase flagellates are closely packed together because of the cytoplasmic lipid and starch‐distended chloroplast. Organisms from logarithmic phase have an abundant ribosome‐packed groundplasm supporting the organelles. In the cytochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase activity, Golgi cisternae and smooth and coated Golgi vesicles contain Gomori reaction product. The possible roles of the Golgi apparatus in this flagellate are discussed.