This investigation examined differences between mothers of behavior-problem boys (MBP; n = 20) and mothers of average boys (MAB; n = 20) in processing information in compliance situations (mean ages; mothers = 30 years, children = 8 years). Mothers responded to videorecorded stimuli of child behavior cues. Compliant and oppositional stimuli were clear regarding whether the child was going to obey the mother; however, bargaining and complaining were ambiguous. MBPs made greater attributions of defiant intent toward the child and experienced more anger than did MABs in ambiguous stimulus situations. MBPs also expected more resistance from the child and experienced more anxiety than did MABs, in all stimulus situations (ambiguous and clear). Differences between group mean processing scores were greater under conditions of stimulus ambiguity than under conditions of stimulus clarity. Findings are discussed in terms of the interface of mother-child relationship history and the child's current behavioral cues.