Helicons and Nonresonant Cyclotron Absorption in Semiconductors. II.Hg1xCdxTe

We have used microwave helicons of 23 and 70 GHz and nonresonant cyclotron absorption to measure the carrier densities, effective masses, and mobilities of electrons in Hg1xCdxTe for 0.135x0.203. Most measurements were made at 77°K, but some values are reported for 1.3°K. Carrier concentrations at 77°K ranged from 8×1020 to 2×1022 m3 and were sufficiently low to enable us to measure m* close to the conduction-band edge. The mass values, in the range 0.004m00.010m0, are in good agreement with values calculated from Kane's expression for the conduction band using literature values for the energy gap, its variation with temperature and alloy concentration, and the momentum matrix element, P. One specimen with x=0.149 was studied from 77 to 185°K. Over this range the mobility was closely proportional to T2. The variation of electron density permitted an estimate of the effective mass of the holes, mh*=0.71m0.

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