This study examines the utility of neural networks for detecting coronary artery disease noninvasively by using the clinical examination variables and extracting useful information from the diastolic heart sounds associated with coronary occlusions. It has been widely reported that coronary stenoses produce sounds due to the turbulent blood flow in these vessels. These complex and highly attenuated signals taken from recordings made in both soundproof and noisy rooms were detected and analyzed to provide feature set based on the poles and power spectral density function (PSD) of the Autoregressive (AR) method after Adaptive Line Enhancement (ALE) method. In addition, some physical examination variables such as sex, age, body weight, smoking condition, diastolic pressure, systolic pressure and derivation from them were included in the feature vector. This feature vector was used as the input pattern to the neural network. The analysis was studied on one hundred recordings (63 abnormal, 37 normals). The network correctly identified 84% of the subjects with coronary artery disease and 89% of the normal subjects.