Phosphonoformic acid (PFA) and its congener phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) are inhibitors of viral replication whose mechanism of action appears to be the inhibition of viral DNA polymerase. These drugs inhibit mammalian DNA polymerase to a lesser extent. We sought to characterize the effects of phosphonoformic acid on mammalian cells by examining mutants of S49 cells (a mouse T-lymphoma line), which were selected by virtue of their resistance to phosphonoformic acid. The 11 mutant lines that were resistant to growth inhibition by 3 mM PFA had a range of growth rates, cell cycle distribution abnormalities, and resistance to the inhibitory effects of thymidine, acycloguanosine (acyclovir), aphidicolin, deoxyadenosine, and novobiocin. Most mutant lines had pools of ribonucleoside triphosphates and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates similar to those of wild-type S49 cells. However, one line (PFA 3–9) had a greatly elevated dCTP pool. When this mutant line was further characterized, no apparent defect in DNA polymerase α activity was seen, but an increased ribonucleotide reductase activity, as assayed by CDP reduction in permeabilized cells, was observed. The CDP reductase activity in the PFA 3–9 cells decreased to wild-type control levels, and the CDP reductase activity of wild-type cells was also greatly reduced when PFA (2–3 mM) was added to permeabilized cells during the enzyme assay. These results demonstrate that PFA can directly inhibit ribonucleotide reductase activity in permeabilized cells. In addition, when PFA was added to exponentially growing cultures of either wild-type or PFA 3–9 mutant cells, the drug caused an arrest in S phase of the cell cycle and a decrease in all four deoxyribonucleotide pools, with the most dramatic decrease in the dCTP pools. The reduction in the dCTP pool level could be reversed by addition of exogenous deoxycytidine, but this reversed PFA toxicity only marginally. These observations suggest that PFA is an inhibitor of mammalian ribonucleotide reductase and that partial resistance to PFA can be effected by mutation to increased CDP reductase activity resulting in a large dCTP pool. This mutation results in less than twofold resistance to PFA, suggesting that other sites of inhibition coexist.