Collision energy dependence of the K+C2H5Br→BrK+C2H5reaction

Relative values of the total reaction cross section for the crossed molecular beams reaction K+C2H5Br→KBr+C2H5 have been measured over the collision energy (E T) range of 0·1–0·5 eV. The line of centres model as well as other post-threshold reaction cross section models fit the data satisfactorily, with a threshold of E 0=0·12+0·02 eV, in the studied energy zone. The present excitation function is compared to those of the closely related RX+M→MX+R (R=CH3, C2H5; X=I, Br ; M=K, Rb, Xe*) reactions and to RX dissociative electron attachment data. Definite family trends are observed for the different halogens, alkyl groups and attacking atoms. These trends are discussed in relation to the energy requirements and dynamics of the electron jump involved in such collisional processes.