Chimeric Rat Na,K-ATPase ?1/?3* Isoforms.

Na,K-ATPase molecules containing the alpha 1, alpha 2*, and alpha 3* isoforms expressed in HeLa cells exhibit a two- to threefold difference in their K0.5 for Na+ (alpha 1 = alpha 2* < alpha 3*). To investigate the structural basis for this difference, chimeric alpha 1/alpha 3* isoform cDNAs were constructed and expressed in HeLa cells. Na,K-ATPase containing each alpha isoform chimera was analyzed for its Na+ dependence properties. Results of these experiments do not reveal a region in the alpha 1 or alpha 3* isoform that is clearly responsible for the apparent affinity for Na+. It is possible that molecular interactions involving amino acids that span virtually the entire Na,K-ATPase molecule contribute to the determination of this parameter.