Policy Review Section

In this issue of the Policy Review Section, Andrew Church and Peter Reid, of Birkbeck College, University of London, explore the growing phenomenon of cross-border collaboration between local and regional authorities. Based upon case studies drawn from areas bordering the English Channel, they consider both theoretical and policy implications of this new form of regional development activity. In the second article Brian Ashcroft, Stewart Dunlop and James Love of the Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde, set out the findings of a survey of the innovation performance of Scottish manufacturing industry. They argue that the findings highlight inadequacies in current UK innovation policy and set out a number of ways in which these failings could be addressed. In the third article Declan Redmond of the Regional Technical College, Limerick, and Richard Walker, of the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Wales College of Cardiff, present initial findings from research into housing management policies in Ireland. In recent years local authorities have been encouraged to take on a broader strategic enabling role while an attempt has been made to diversify the provision of public housing. The government's desire to raise the quality and effectiveness of housing provision is reflected in its report Plan for Social Housing. Redmond and Walker present a critique of this attempt to introduce changes not only in housing management style but also more fundamental changes in culture and attitude.