Distribution, Retention and Dosimetry of Plutonium and Americium in the Rat, Dog and Monkey After Inhalation of an Industrial-mixed Uranium and Plutonium Oxide Aerosol

This study provides information on patterns of radiation dose in laboratory animals after inhalation exposure to an aerosol of one form of mixed uranium and plutonium oxide. The aerosol contained a mixture of UO2 and 750°C heat-treated PuO2 obtained from the ball milling operation in a mixed-oxide fuel fabrication process. Americium-241 from the decay of 241Pu was also present in the PuO2 matrix. Fischer-344 rats, Beagle dogs, and Cynomolgus and Rhesus monkeys inhaled aerosols re-generated from dry mixed oxide powders with particle size distribution characteristics similar to those observed in samples collected at the industrial site. Clearance from the lung and distribution in other tissues of the plutonium from this UO2+PuO2 admixture was similar to what has been observed for PuO2 from laboratory-produced aerosols. The UO2-PuO2 aerosol was relatively insoluble in the lungs of all species. Monkeys and rats cleared plutonium and americium from their lungs faster than dogs. Very little plutonium or americium translocated within the first 2 yr after exposure to tissues other than tracheobronchial lymph nodes. The greater accumulation of plutonium and americium in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes of dogs as compared to monkeys and rats combined with the more rapid initial clearance of these radionuclides from the lungs of rats and monkeys suggests that errors could result from using data from a single animal species to estimate risk to humans from inhalation of these industrial aerosols.