Current Realities of Delivering Mammography Services in the Community: Do Challenges with Staffing and Scheduling Exist?

PURPOSE: To evaluate the current (2001–2002) capacity of community-based mammography facilities to deliver screening and diagnostic services in the United States. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approvals and patient consent were obtained. A mailed survey was sent to 53 eligible mammography facilities in three states (Washington, New Hampshire, and Colorado). Survey questions assessed equipment and staffing availability, as well as appointment waiting times for screening and diagnostic mammography services. Criterion-related content and construct validity were obtained first by means of a national advisory committee of academic, scientific, and clinical colleagues in mammography that reviewed literature on existing surveys and second by pilot testing a series of draft surveys among community mammography facilities not inclusive of the study facilities. The final survey results were independently double entered into a relational database with programmed data checks. The data were sent enc...