Calculations for the satellite spectra of helium-like oxygen

Wavelengths and atomic parameters for both dielectronic and inner-shell satellite lines of the type 1s2nl-1s2l'nl have been calculated for O VI. The atomic data for these satellite lines with n=2 were calculated in a multiconfiguration intermediate-coupling scheme and are compared with previous results. The fine-structure splitting is also compared with previous detailed calculations. Calculations for the dielectronic satellite lines with n=3, 4 and 5 have been performed in a multiconfiguration LS coupling scheme. The intensities of the n=6 satellites are derived from these data and thus an estimate of the contribution of the dielectronic satellites to the resonance line is obtained. New calculations for the excitation rates for both the inner-shell satellites, excited from 1s22s and 1s22p, and the resonance line 1s2 1S-1s2p 1P of O VII are also presented. The intercombination and forbidden lines 1s2-1s2p 3P, 3S are not considered.

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