Fine structure and role in behavior of sensilla on the terminalia of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)

The terminalia of male and female Aedes aegypti (L.) bear numerous hairs of various shapes and lengths, all of which are mechanoreceptors. Each hair is innervated by one bipolar neuron which contains ciliary rootlets, two basal bodies, and a region assuming the structure of a non-motile cilium. At the distal tip of the dendrite is a tubular body, a characteristic of cuticular mechanoreceptors. Covering the outer dendritic segment is a cuticular sheath which ends proximally in a net-like felt-work and distally attaches to the hair base. Each hair sensillum has two sheath cells. Presumed efferent fibers are associated with the sheath cells. On the insula of the female terminalia are a few campaniform sensilla, the domes of which are raised into small pegs. The sensilla on the terminalia function in copulation and oviposition and probably in warning. A sequence of neurological events is traced for copulation and oviposition. Other cuticular structures, viz., scales, microtrichia, acanthae, and aedeagal spines, which occur on the terminalia are not innervated.