New Colorless Eugleninae

SYNOPSIS. Ten new species of colorless Eugleninae are described. One of them is the type of a new genus (Calycimonas physaloides nov. gen. nov. sp.). Especially remarkable forms are: Astasia acus, a species related to the green Euglena acus but without chromatophores and stigma and considerably smaller; Astasia edax, a species with animal‐like nutrition and peculiar ecological adaptations; Petalomonas striata, a form which is not spirally but transversely striated; and finally Hyalophacus caecus, which was observed already by Klebs and Pochmann but was not sufficiently described. The new genus Calycimonas (ex fam. Peranemacearum) is related to Tropidoscyphus on the one hand (nearly the same shape as e.g. Tr. octocostatus, but possessing only a single flagellum) and to Petalomonas on the other hand (mode of nutrition and of swimming, formation of the reservoir, rigidity: however in transverse section not flattened).The Astasiae with zootrophic nutrition are collected in a new subgenus Astasiae devorantes or Phytophaga which comprises besides A. edax three species already described by Skuja.