Structural studies of tetrachloride liquids

The differential scattering cross-sections for neutrons scattering by liquid CCl4, SiCl4, TiCl4, GeCl4 and SnCl4 at 20°C have been obtained using the pulsed neutron beam from the Harwell Linac. The measured data at two scattering angles (150° and 90°) have been analysed using a molecular form factor with wavelength-dependent Debye-Waller factors. Molecular bond length parameters extracted from a x 2-fit to the observations are compared with data obtained by other techniques. Special consideration is given to the calibration of the momentum-transfer scale and the data are found to be sensitive to the variation of mean emission times for different wavelength neutrons leaving the moderator material. Correction for this effect gives an improved fit to the form factor but does not alter the fitted bond length values.