Temporal stability of the WAIS-R and WMS-R in a heterogeneous sample of alcohol dependent clients

We examined the temporal stability of WAIS-R IQs, factor scores, Profile Variability Indexes (PVIs), and WMS-R Index scores in a heterogeneous sample of 50 alcohol dependent clients. The average retest interval was approximately 4–5 months. Stability correlations for all scores were significant and high. These results replicate the well-known stability of WAIS-R IQs and confirm the stability of the PVIs and WAIS-R factor scores. WMS-R Index stability coefficients compared favourably with those reported in the manual for a shorter retest interval. Using the standard error of prediction to set a 95% confidence interval around the predicted true score at initial testing, most scores obtained at retest were found to fall within the predicted range.