IN THIS paper a clinically useful method for dissolving calcific corneal opacities by means of a solution of the neutral sodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid is reported. Treatment with a solution of this material is appropriate for corneal opacities which consist of calcific deposits in the anterior layers of the stroma or in the epithelium. This type of corneal opacity may be exogenous, resulting from a lime burn, or may be endogenous in the band keratopathies associated with protracted uveitis, hypercalcemia, or phthisis bulbi. No effect from treatment with this solution is to be expected in opacities which are noncalcific, such as result from edema, infiltration with inflammatory cells, scarring, or vascularization.1 The purpose of treatment for removal of calcific corneal opacities may be to improve vision when the opacities are axially situated or to relieve discomfort when calcific particles are being spontaneously extruded through the corneal epithelium.