New Zealand national mastitis survey: 1965–6 1. Preliminary studies

Extract A survey of 1000 dairy herds in England and Wales, by the U.K. Milk Marketing Board during 1955–7 showed that 1% of the cows were affected with clinical mastitis at any one sampling. In 1957–8 the Animal Health Division of the U.K. Ministry of Agriculture undertook a national survey of wastage and disease in dairy cows (Leech et al., 1960 Leech, F. B. , Davis, M. E. , Macrea, W. D. and Withers, F. W. 1960. “Disease, wastage and husbandry in the British dairy herd”. In Report of a National Survey in 1957–58. Pt. 62, London: H.M.S.O.. [Google Scholar] ). Their estimate for a seasonal prevalence of 10% of cows affected with clinical mastitis was corroborated by a second national survey in 1964 (Leech et al., 1964 Leech, F. B. , Vessey, M. P. and Macrea, W. D. 1964. Disease, wastage and husbandry in the British dairy herd. Report of a second National Survey in 1958–9. Min. Agric. Fish. Food Anim. Dis. Surv. Rep. No. 3, : 1–11. [Google Scholar] ).