Application of a new method for detecting streptococcal nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase to various M types of Streptoccus pyogenes

The production of extracellular NADase by S. pyogenes can easily be demonstrated using the fluorescence of RAD in UV light occurring on addition of strong alkali. The new method described here uses microtiter plates and can be read with the naked eye. It permits the screening of large numbers of strains in a short time and with minimal amounts of reagents. The sensitivity of the new method proved to be good in comparison with the bisulfite spectrophotometric method. Culture supernatants of 177 group A streptococci were tested for NADase production by the microtiter fluorescence method. Former findings that strains within a certain M type of S. pyogenes are usually producers or nonproducers of the enzyme were confirmed. The usefulness of the test for screening of streptococcal NADase production is discussed.