Development of the adult fly foot falls into clearly defined phases of cell division, growth, cuticle secretion and cell death. The pulvillus is composed dorsally of two giant cells and ventrally of thousands of minute tenent cells; the former produce the dorsal footpad cuticle and the latter the thousands of tenent hairs. Cell divisions are still occurring in future tenent cells when increase in size of the cells and in polyteny of the chromosomes is already occurring in the two dorsal cells. Also cell death occurs considerably earlier in the tenent cells, yet the sequential secretion of some six cuticular layers takes place at comparable times in dorsal and ventral cuticles. The cuticular layers formed are, in their order of secretion: ecdysial membrane, cuticulin of the epicuticle, dense exocuticle, homogeneous exocuticle, an intermediate layer, wax of the epicuticle, and an extensive mass of endocuticle. The ecdysial membrane seems to perform an important mechanical role in maintaining the shape of the delicate cytoplasmic projections of the tenent cells, before and during cuticle secretion, and in establishing the cuticular pattern of ridges in the dorsal cuticle. Comparisons are made with trichogen cell cuticle development and with tracheal cuticle. Tracheal, trichogen and dorsal footpad cuticle patterns are compared.Details of giant cell activity provide a working basis for studies of nuclear‐cytoplasmic interactions, and the whole system raises many unsolved problems in the general field of cell differentiation and pattern formation.