Fortlaufende Registrierung von Mikropotentialen des menschlichen Herzens: Erste Erfahrungen mit einem neuen, hochauflösenden EKG-Verstärkersystem*

A new ECG-amplifier system for recording cardiac microvolt potentials from the body surface is described. The improvement in signal-to-noise ratio was achieved by using specially designed suction electrodes, which were isolated from each other; by applying parallel signal averaging from four electrode pairs via four low-noise amplifiers; and by conducting the registration in Faraday cage. in 14 normal subjects, 12 patients with coronary heart disease and one patient with surgically corrected ventricular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis, pre-P-potentials (possible sinus node activity), His bundle potentials and ventricular late potentials were recorded with differing degrees of success. Variations of the time intervals to the preceding QRS complex were observed within the S-T segment in six of nine patients with demonstrable ventricular late ventricular late potentials. The advantage of such continuously recording ECG system lies in the highly accurate registration of cardiac micropotentials, particularly with ventricular late potentials that are changing in time, whereas the signal-averaging technique does not provide such possibilities.

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