Magnetotransport and superconductivity in dilute Fe alloys of NbSe2, TaSe2, and TaS2

Single crystals of dilute iron alloys of the layer structures NbSe2, TaSe2, and TaS2 have been studied using measurements of magnetoresistance and Hall effect in magnetic fields up to 220 kG. Iron concentrations in the range 0-10 at.% can induce spin-exchange scattering, metal-insulator transitions, or enhanced superconducting anisotropy depending on the phase of the crystal and the type of iron doping. Kondo-like resistance minima accompanied by negative magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effects are observed in the 2H phase of FexTaSe2 and FexNbSe2. A lnH behavior at high fields and a lnT behavior at zero field or low fields have been fit to theoretical expressions and antiferromagnetic exchange constants on the order of -0.1 eV are obtained. Excess iron doping of 2HTaS2 produces enhanced superconductivity characterized by parameters similar to those observed for organic intercalation. The interlayer coupling strength is consistent with a tunneling model describing both the iron-doped material and the organic intercalates. Substitutional iron doping of TaS2 and TaSe2 stabilizes the 1T phase and produces a dramatic rise in resistivity at low temperature following a Tα power-law behavior.