Analysis of rat urine for metabolites of pyrilamine via high-performance liquid chromatography/thermospray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry

Combined high-performance liquid chromatography/thermospray mass spectrometry (HPLC/TSMS) and HPLC/thermospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/TSMS/MS) were utilized for the analysis of rat urine for metabolites of pyrilamine. The sample was analyzed via HPLC/TSMS/MS in the parent ion mode in order to identify potential metabolites of pyrilamine. Then HPLC/TSMS/MS analysis in the daughter ion mode was performed to provide additional analytical selectivity plus enhanced fragmentation of suspected protonated molecules. By this methodology, suspected pyrilamine metabolites were confirmed to be in the sample and several novel metabolites of pyrilamine were discovered and tentatively identified.