Low Molecular Weight Chitosan Prevents the Progression of Low Dose Streptozotocin-Induced Slowly Progressive Diabetes Mellitus in Mice.

The present study was designed to clarify the effect of low molecular weight (LMW) chitosan (chitosan lactate, average MW: 20000) on the progression of slowly progressive non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) induced by a single i.p. injection of low dose (100 mg/kg) streptozotocin (STZ) to 8-week-old male ICR mice. The non-fasting serum glucose levels of STZ-treated control mice continued to rise throughout the experimental period until 23 weeks after STZ treatment. The 0.2% or 0.8% chitosan (water solution), given as drinking water from prediabetic stage (2 weeks after STZ treatment), markedly prevented the time course-related rise of serum glucose levels of diabetic mice. In addition, the reduction of relative numbers of insulin-immunoreactive cells (beta-cells) in the islets of diabetic mice at 24 weeks after STZ treatment was markedly prevented by 0.2% or 0.8% chitosan administration. However, the progression of hyperglycemia in diabetic mice was not affected by 0.2% glucosamine, a monosaccharide of chitosan. The glucose levels of normal mice were not affected by 0.8% chitosan administration. When 0.2% chitosan administration was stopped at 20 weeks, these animals had still maintained significantly lower serum glucose levels, compared to control animals, even at 5 weeks after stopping the administration. These results indicate that LMW chitosan prevents the progression of low dose STZ-induced slowly progressive NIDDM.

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