Climatic Change on the Iberian Peninsula Recorded in a 30,000-Yr Pollen Record from Lake Banyoles

The Banyoles lacustrine sequence shows that the vegetational history of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula during the last 30,000 yr follows the North Atlantic pattern of climatic oscillations. The Banyoles pollen diagram, supported by two calibrated 14 C dates and nine U/Th dates, shows a clear interstadial event between 30,000 and 27,000 yr B.P., a Pleniglacial period with minor oscillations that ended abruptly ca. 14,420 ± 410 yr B.P., and a late-glacial sequence that records the classical stages described in Northern Europe: the Bølling-Allerød Interstade, the Younger Dryas event at 12,000 yr B.P. (U-series age), and a short warming phase between the Younger Dryas and the last cold event (dated at 11,000 yr B.P., U-series age).