Heritability and genetic correlations realized from both single-trait and antagonistic index selection were compared with paternal half-sib estimates. Primary attention was focused on the genetic correlation between six-week body weight and six-week tail length. Parameters realized from single-trait selection were in excellent agreement with paternal half-sib estimates. However, the realized genetic correlation between six-week body weight and six-week tail length obtained from index selection was significantly greater than the other estimates. Differential inbreeding levels and realized selection intensities were considered and rejected as being causative factors for these results. Linkage disequilibrium probably was not a factor either, as the base population had been randomly mated and randomly selected with a large effective population size for many generations. It was concluded that with antagonistic index selection, the pleiotropic effects of genes may be more powerful in retarding response in aggregate genotype than current theory would suggest. Replication of all selected and control lines allowed the use of between-line estimators of sampling variances of realized genetic parameters in the above comparisons. Generally, standard errors of realized genetic parameters were much smaller than corresponding paternal half-sib standard errors. Thus, selection was an efficient method of estimation.