Promoting the application of expert systems in short-term unit commitment

-This,paper presents a heuristic approach,to the short-term unit commitment problem. First, it divides the gen- erating units capacities into three categories, then it establishes a rough 24 hour-generation schedule and finally, it performs the global optimization,as an inference process. A prototype system is developed,and tested on an IBM-386 personal computer,using the C language.,The ToolBook software is used to enhance,the graphics,capability of the package. The primary,advantage,of the proposed,method,is featured by its short processing time for each schedule as it schedules the generation unit commitment for a typical system,in less than 2 seconds. The same,system is examined,by dynamic,programming,with an average running time of 20 minutes,on an IBM 386 personal computer. Keywords-Expert systems, Power systems economic dispatch,