Dynamics of a two-channel Raman-coupled cavity-QED model

We consider a Λ-type three-level atom interacting simultaneously with two quantized cavity fields and a classical field, all of different frequencies. The classical field is of constant amplitude and the quantized cavity fields are dynamical variables. The effective interactions are Raman type with the two cavity fields regarded as Stokes and anti-Stokes modes. The classical field acts as the pump-mode, so that both the pump–Stokes and the pump–anti-Stokes transitions are included. We present analytic expressions for the dressed states of the system in a general situation where the two channels have different coupling strengths. The dressed states are closely related to the two-mode squeezed number states. We find that two-mode squeezing and nontrivial phase correlation occur in the model. The effects of weak cavity damping are also discussed.