Enhanced transport of natural amino acids after activation of pig lymphocytes

Na+-dependent uptake of the amino acids L-proline and L-methionine was greatly accelerated when pig lymphocytes were activated with phytohaemagglutinin or other mitogens. The increased influx was apparent after incubation with phytohaemagglutinin for 1 h, and reached a maximum after 24 h. The lymphocytes appear to possess at least three different transport systems for neutral amino acids with properties similar to, but not identical with, those described for other cells. The activity of a system resembling the A system of other cells was increased most dramatically after activation, its activity in unstimulated lymphocytes being extremely low or absent. A second Na+-dependent system, which has properties similar to those of the ASC system in other cells, but with a broader specificity for amino acids, was more active in unstimulated lymphocytes, and uptake by this system was also accelerated after incubation with phytohaemagglutinin. The activity of a third system, very similar to the L system in other cells, was increased to a much smaller extent after lymphocyte activation.