Alcohol and the Media: A Review and Critique of the ‘Effects’ Model

A review of the available empirical material bearing upon the question of alcohol advertising having ‘effects’ on the general level of consumption suggests that this question is insufficiently precise as a basis for research. Studies suggesting some relationship between advertising for particular brands or products and shifts in brand or product use are potentially more interesting, if considered from a point of view that recognises that such shifts may involve shifts in milieux, comparisons, styles and meanings associated with consumption. Future research should be attentive to such qualitative changes in drinking practices attendant upon advertising or preventive campaigns (as well as to quantitative changes). The authors suggest that such quantitative and qualitative changes in drinking practices of individuals and social groups need to be considered within the context of more general, ideological and economic, consequences of alcohol advertising. These consequences-including reinforcement of images about ‘social drinking,’ and shifting of consumers onto more profitable products-consolidate the profitability of the alcohol industry (a consideration more important to the industry than levels of consumption per se). A framework broader than that of ‘effects’ on individuals' levels of consumption is required if health educators are to learn anything from advertising.

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