In primary visual cortex (V1) of macaque monkeys, motion selective cells form three parallel pathways. Two sets of direction selective cells, one in layer 4B, and the other in layer 6, send parallel direct outputs to area MT in the dorsal cortical stream. We show that these two outputs carry different types of spatial information. Direction selective cells in layer 4B have smaller receptive fields than those in layer 6, and layer 4B cells are more selective for orientation. We present evidence for a third direction selective pathway that flows through V1 layers 4Cm (the middle tier of layer 4C) to layer 3. Cells in layer 3 are very selective for orientation, have the smallest receptive fields in V1, and send direct outputs to area V2. Layer 3 neurons are well suited to contribute to detection and recognition of small objects by the ventral cortical stream, as well as to sense subtle motions within objects, such as changes in facial expressions.