Gallbladder Visualization With ln-111 Labeled Octreotide

In-111 DTPA octreotide, a labeled somatostatin analog, was reported to be superior to I-123 octreotide for detection of somatostatin-receptor-bearing tumors because of longer half-life and better labeling characteristics. In addition, renal rather than hepatobiliary clearance decreases intestinal interference and greatly reduces accumulation of the tracer in the gallbladder. Using the In-111 labeled octreotide, the authors noted distinct gallbladder visualization in one patient with an insulinoma who was studied following an overnight fast. In two additional patients scanned in the fasting state gallbladder uptake was also demonstrated. In all 3 patients, this uptake disappeared following a meal. The authors conclude that when using this imaging modality, abdominal scans should not be performed in the fasting state. Furthermore, if significant uptake is demonstrated in the gallbladder area, imaging should be repeated several hours later, following a fatty meal. Both false-positive and false-negative findings of pathologic uptake in this area will thus be avoided.

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