Automated Sample-Preparation Technologies in Genome Sequencing Projects

A robotic workstation system (BioRobotTM 9600, QIAGEN) and a 96-well UV spectrophotometer (Spec-tramax 250, Molecular Devices) were integrated in to the process of high-throughput automated sequencing of double-stranded plasmid DNA templates. An automated 96-well miniprep kit protocol (QIAprep® Turbo, QIAGEN) provided high-quality plasmid DNA from shotgun clones. The DNA prepared by this procedure was used to generate more than two mega bases of final sequence data for two genomic projects (Arabidopsis thaliana and Schizosaccharomyces pombe), three thousand expressed sequence tags (ESTs) plus half a mega base of human full-length cDNA clones, and approximately 53,000 single reads for a whole genome shotgun project (Pseudomonas putida)