Spontaneous resolution of rectal polyps in patients with familial polyposis following abdominal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis

One hundred sixteen patients were reviewed after abdominal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis (IRA) for familial polyposis to determine the rate of postoperative spontaneous regression of rectal polyps. The failure of the IRA procedure was correlated with the preoperative number of rectal polyps and the degree of rectal polyp regression. Spontaneous resolution of rectal polyps occurred in 64 percent of the patients (complete 38 percent, partial 26 percent). In those patients initially having complete resolution, 55 percent redeveloped polyps during follow-up. With a mean follow-up of 9.3 years, seven patients have developed rectal cancer. Rectal cancer development was more common in those patients who had innumerable rectal polyps prior to IRA. Initial polyp regression did not preclude later development of rectal cancer. There were 11 deaths during the follow-up period, but only one of these was from rectal cancer. Abdominal colectomy and IRA is an effective treatment for familial polyposis. Spontaneous regression of polyps occurred in 64 percent of patients, but continuous and complete follow-up is necessary to fulgurate recurrent polyps and to screen for the development of cancer.