Symptom Producing Diplopia

A prospective study of patients who presented with diplopia was conducted by the orthoptists at Sydney Eye Hospital over a period of six months. Fifty-five patients were included in the study and the causes of the diplopia were decompensated heterophoria, early onset strabismus, trauma, viral illness, neurological disorders, thyroid eye disease and migraine. Most of these causes are self explanatory and have been well documented, though others were of special interest and are discussed in detail. These include early onset strabismus associated with apparent spontaneous diplopia, Fisher's syndrome, deviations secondary to retinal and cataract surgery and a IV nerve paresis resulting from a severe migraine attack. The treatment of patients in this study is discussed with reference to the use of prisms and to the problems associated with the elimination of suppression in cases where fusion is weak or absent and there is no dense ambloypia.