This review addresses recent publications that investigate etiology, epidemiology and different modalities in diagnosis and therapy for ectopic pregnancy. A significant proportion of recent work has focused in the development of new diagnostic tools to aid in the early detection of ectopic pregnancy. Diagnostic modalities have included systemic and local markers, vascular endothelial growth factor, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, urokinase plasminogen activator receptor, cervical fetal fibronectin, and hormonal level determinations. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, color flow mapping and endometrial thickness have been evaluated. New studies have investigated controversial issues related to the cost of the medical versus surgical treatment and the use of different medications and techniques for the management of ectopic pregnancy. Most important of all, several lines of investigation have addressed the use of human chorionic gonadotropin, algorithms, and scoring systems as prognostic indicators of successful therapy and to determine the risk of complications. The management of cervical, interstitial and heterotopic pregnancy is evaluated in this review and a summary of recent proposed diagnostic tools and concepts in management is also presented.